By VOA News

Pakistani authorities say at least 21 people were killed and 70 wounded in a bomb blast at a crowded market in Islamabad Wednesday.

Police said the bomb was hidden in a crate of fruit and set off by remote control while the market was packed with shoppers and dealers.

Pools of blood and body parts were scattered across the scene.

No one has claimed responsibility for the blast. The Pakistani Taliban issued a statement to reporters denying it was behind the attack. It came a day after a passenger train was bombed in Baluchistan province, in southwestern Pakistan.

At least 14 were killed and 40 wounded in that incident.

Police said a bomb was hidden inside a suitcase and also set off by remote control.

A spokesman for the United Baluch Army rebel group telephoned VOA to claim responsibility.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's government has engaged the Taliban in peace talks to end years of extremist violence in the country. Wednesday's blast occurred two days before a Taliban ceasefire is set to expire.


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