An old couple showing mark of indelible ink after casting their votes,
at a polling booth, during the General Elections-2014, in Kiphire District
Eastern part of Nagaland on April 09, 2014. Photo© PIB 

Ramsoo (Ramban) (Scoop News)- Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah, who is also the Working President of National Conference, Wednesday said that current Parliamentary elections have placed India on a crucial crossroad where the people of the country have to decide between the two ideologies of communal divide, represented by BJP and its Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi, and the inclusiveness and harmony, symbolized by Rahul Gandhi.

Addressing a mammoth election rally at Ramsoo and various welcome rallies at Tikri, Udhampur, Chenani, Batote and Chanderkote en-route, the Chief Minister said that every vote in favour of NC-Congress candidates in the State will strengthen the roots of communal amity, brotherhood and ensure equal opportunities of growth and development for all sections of the society, irrespective of any consideration of religion, region, caste or colour.

Omar Abdullah said that BJP is polarizing the society to nurture its ideology of dividing the society for vote bank politics. He said Jammu and Kashmir is ‘Miniature India’ where people of different sections of the society and various shades of faith co-exist in an environment of love and brotherhood since centuries. “BJP, like always, is bent upon wedging apart the people and divide them to grab power”, he said and maintained that people of Jammu and Kashmir are wise enough to read between the lines and vote in large numbers in favour of NC-Congress candidates.

“This is all the more necessary for Jammu and Kashmir to preserve its rich pluralistic ethos, communal harmony and ensure equitable and holistic development in an atmosphere of inclusiveness and justice”, Omar Abdullah said asking for wholehearted support in favour of NC-Congress candidate from Udhampur-Doda Parliamentary Constituency, Ghulam Nabi Azad, describing him a real friend of the people and torchbearer of secular democratic credentials of the State and the country.

Omar Abdullah said that a person like Mr. Modi who has not shown a courtesy to apologise or even regret for the killings of innocents in Gujarat and is a culprit in the eyes of public so far as Gujarat riots are concerned cannot suit to be the Prime Minister of a great country like India, which is abode of pluralistic ethos.

“As against this, Rahul Gandhi symbolizes the unity and brotherhood of India and is champion of inclusiveness and communal harmony. He possesses unblemished characteristic and is true friend of the Country and its people. In Rahul Gandhi Jammu and Kashmir has also found its sincere and trusty friend who has always came forward to help the State to come out of difficulties and he is determined to continue this trait”, Omar Abdullah said and added that Rahul Gandhi will be the right choice for Prime Ministership of the Country. He asked the people to vote in favour of Mr. Azad as it will pave the way to make Rahul Gandhi Prime Minister of the Country.

The Working President National Conference said that PDP like parties are fighting the Election just to provide tactical support to Narendra Modi and BJP by attempting to divide the voters. He said despite knowing its fate in the Elections, PDP has fielded its candidates for helping Narendra Modi to exhibit its friendship and loyalty with the BJP. He asked the people to understand this nexus and foil the conspiracy hatched by the PDP and BJP to divide the society for political gains.

Omar Abdullah said that tactful fielding of candidates in Jammu-Poonch and Udhampur-Doda Parliamentary Constituencies by the PDP to attempt at dividing votes and help communal forces unveils the clandestine liaison and friendship between BJP and PDP about which Narendra Modi has openly said that he has found new friends (PDP leadership) in Jammu and Kashmir to help him in his mission.

The Working President National Conference said that Pen-Inkpot Party can stoop low to any extent and trade every interest of the State and its people for being in limelight not to talk of power. He said this was the party which opposed tooth and nail the historic decision of Ghulam Nabi Azad regarding creation of eight new districts in the State. “PDP leadership tried their best to browbeat Mr. Azad on this count and threatened to topple the government”, he said and elaborated that Mr. Azad did not succumbed to their pressure and exhibited his people-friendly and historic gesture.

Omar Abdullah said that PDP also could not digest yet another decision taken by NC-Congress coalition government in the State to create more than 650 administrative units and tried its best to mislead people about this extra-ordinary measure. He said fooling people and flaring up emotions on different issues and polarizing situation to get political benefits is the trait of both the BJP and the PDP. He said the fact of the matter is that PDP in the State acts as a State Unit of BJP as is evident by its acts to help Mr. Modi and attempt at dividing voters in the State.

Omar Abdullah said that Ghulam Nabi Azad as the Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir and as the Union Minister has shown his capacity and keenness to bring about revolutionary changes in the development scenario and remained always at the beck and call of people in the hour of need. He said Mr. Azad’s victory in the election will be the victory of common masses and that of the State as a whole. “Azad is the right person to highlight the issues of Jammu and Kashmir and help the people particularly living in backward pockets for development and socio-economic welfare”, he said and listed the measures Azad has taken in various capacities to benefit Jammu and Kashmir and its people.

Omar Abdullah referred to the all round development that has taken place in the State during last five years and mentioned the unprecedented help provided by Mr. Azad in upgrading the health sector in particular and strengthening other social sectors in general in the State. He said no one can compete with the competence, sincerity, honesty and keenness of Mr. Azad to deliver for the good of the Country and the State.

Omar Abdullah cautioned the people against the elements bent upon to disturb the State’s communal harmony and create divide between various sections of people. He asked them to be united to defeat such attempts by politicians with vested interests.
The elections rally was also addressed by NC-Congress joint candidate for Udhampur-Doda Parliamentary Constituency Ghulam Nabi Azad and Provincial President National Conference Jammu, Devender Singh Rana while various leaders of the NC and Congress were present on the occasion.----Ground Report


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